BRSI takes pride in its homes and its role in the community. The homes are very attractive and well maintained which fit into their surrounding neighbourhoods. BRSI contributes in a very special way to the Battlefords.
Laurentian house was established in 1992. There are currently 6 residents residing in this home. BRSI office operates out of the basement of Laurentian House.
Meadow Manor was opened in December of 2012. Currently 6 residents reside in this home.
This building was constructed in 1989. This home is named Arlene Perkin Manor in honour of a long term board member. Five residents reside in this home.
Johanna's home is one of the original homes from 1986 when BRSI was formed , previously known as Prairie Villa. Six residents reside in this home.
This group home was opened in April 2013. It was named Yvonne's Home after Yvonne Nyholt, long time board member and current Chairperson of BRSI. Five young ladies reside at this home. Our Supported Living Program (SLP) operates out of the downstairs. We also have two rental suites which are occupied by two of our SLP clients.
Kildeer Manor was opened in 1993. Currently six residents live here.
This is our day program, BRIDGE (Battlefords Residential Services Inc. Individual Developmental Growth Education) is licensed for 12 individuals with more challenging behavior and management concerns. The objective of this program is to provide the clients with assistance in personal development, personal care, and physical exercise through controlled interaction with the community at large, thus providing a “BRIDGE” between the clients and the community. We have rental apartments for our Supported Living Program (SLP) clients in the downstairs.